Most English words are short

Based on corpus data, over half of the words in a typical page of English text has four or fewer letters, with the average word length being slightly less than five.

Length of…MeanMedianMode
Unique words7.5277
Words weighted by frequency4.9543

Source code
import pandas
wd = pandas.read_csv(
names=["Rank", "Word", "Frequency"]
wd.Word = wd.Word.apply(str).str.lower()
wd = (
wd.query("Frequency > 5") # Remove rare words,
.query("Word.str.match('^[A-Za-z]\*$')") # words with non-letters,
.query("Word.str.contains('[aeiouy]')") # abbrvns w/o vowels,
.groupby("Word") # and duplicates
wd["Length"] = pandas.Series(wd.index, index=wd.index).str.len()
sm = wd.groupby("Length")
result = pandas.DataFrame({
"NormalizedCount": sm.Frequency.count() / sm.Frequency.count().sum(),
"NormalizedFrequency": sm.Frequency.sum() / sm.Frequency.sum().sum()