
Screen printing

Last weekend’s artistic adventure was screen printing at New Westminister’s Arrieta Art Studio!

The process starts with a sketch.

A sketch of a stylized five-petaled flower, lying on a paint-stained artist's table.

My geometric rose (simplified version) is my go-to design for new art experiments.

We painted the sketch onto a screen with a water-soluble drawing fluid, wait for it to dry, cover the whole screen with an impermeable screen filler, and then wait for that to dry. Then we washed the drawing fluid out, leaving only the filler outlining the negative of the original design.

Next it was time to mix up some paints and squeegee them through the mesh to make our prints! (Unfortunately, my hands were too messy to take pictures of this part.)

A print of a five-pointed flower or star. The colour is a marbled gradient from pink to purple to blue. The edges are messy, as though drawn in crayon, and the whole thing is outlined in a purple circular stain of paint.
A second print of the same flower or star. The colour is a marbled swirl of purple and pink.

The final results were by no means professional, but I think they have a pretty cool organic look to them. I had lots of fun, and am looking forward to my next creative adventures!