Preparing a presentation in LaTeX? Metropolis provides a simple, modern Beamer theme suitable for anyone to use.
Metropolis is available on CTAN and comes bundled with the latest TeX Live distribution.
I was a major contributor to Metropolis from 2015 to 2016. If you want to help make the theme better, you can join the development efforts on Matthias Vogelgesang’s GitHub page for the project.
In collaboration with the SFU Library and my fellow grad students, I’ve written a LaTeX template from which graduate students at Simon Fraser University can start writing their thesis or dissertation.
The project offers a LaTeX class file called
that automatically sets your thesis according to the SFU Library’s style requirements. With its help, you can focus on writing up your research instead of fiddling with formatting.Get started now by downloading a copy from the SFU Library website!
Ever wonder why LaTeX doesn’t provide a way for printing the title and author once
has been issued? I did. So I asked a question on the TeX StackExchange and received an interesting answer. Turns out it’s an artifact of the times when memory was in extremely short supply.The main reason was “main-memory” back in those days. LaTeX was effectively eating up half of the available space just through macro definitions. So with complicated pages or with some picture environments etc you could hit the limit. So freeing up any bit was essential and you still see traces of this in the code.
Dark times!