At first they deployed a man with a stick. The groundsman approached one buzzing batch, decided his mode of attack would not work, and returned defeated.
Andrew Fidel Fernando / Cricinfo
on an ODI interrupted by bees
I have succesfully defended my PhD thesis! It’s “packed” with results on graph immersions with parity restrictions, and “covers” odd edge-connectivity, totally odd clique immersions, and a new submodular measure that’s intimately connected with both.
I am grateful to NSERC for funding my degree with a Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship, and to my supervisor Bojan Mohar.
If I could begin to be
Half of what you think of me
I could do about anything
I could even learn how to loveRebecca Sugar, “Love Like You”
US CONSTITUTION: No person except a natural born citizen shall be eligible for president.
Urban planning oddities in Pokémon:
- Kanto Route 17: because a steep hill is the perfect place for a Cycling Road.
- Cave lighting and sliding block puzzles are an essential part of a transportation network.
- Hospital-adjacent land is considered prime real estate.
- Thirsty guards are a major source of traffic bottlenecks.
- A nonprofit society needing funding convinced Lavender Town council to rezone their memorial tower for radio use.
“May you live in interesting times” is typically claimed to be a Chinese expression, but it actually originated with the British. Joseph Chamberlain — Neville’s dad — used the phrase “interesting times” frequently in speeches:
I think that you will all agree that we are living in most interesting times. I never remember myself a time in which our history was so full, in which day by day brought us new objects of interest, and, let me say also, new objects for anxiety.
Joseph ChamberlainJoseph’s other son Austen was the first to claim it originated as a Chinese saying. Quote Investigator theorizes that Austen, in conversation with his diplomat colleagues, learned about a Chinese proverb that expresses apprehension about living in what his father would call “interesting times” and assumed that was the source of Joseph’s phrase. But the wording of the real proverb is entirely different:
Better to be a dog in days of peace, than a human in times of chaos.
Jens von Bergmann has run the numbers on land use in various municipalities in Metro Vancouver. The City of Vancouver in particular has lot of land tied up in streets and detached housing.
Use CoV land single-family detached houses and duplexes 34.0% roads and right-of-way 28.1% recreation, open space, and natural areas 15.2% commercial 3.9% low-rise apartments (residential or mixed-use) 4.1% high-rise apartments (residential or mixed-use) 1.9% Because the City of Vancouver has so little area left undeveloped, any proposals for new housing, schools, parks, stores, and so forth will displace some existing use of the land.
Preparing a presentation in LaTeX? Metropolis provides a simple, modern Beamer theme suitable for anyone to use.
Metropolis is available on CTAN and comes bundled with the latest TeX Live distribution.
I was a major contributor to Metropolis from 2015 to 2016. If you want to help make the theme better, you can join the development efforts on Matthias Vogelgesang’s GitHub page for the project.
I have a new paper, coauthored with my supervisor Bojan Mohar and colleague Hehui Wu and presented at the SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms! It is my first foray into graph immersions with parity restrictions.
I am grateful to NSERC for supporting this research through an Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship.
The word pea was originally pease in the singular and peasen in the plural. Eventually, speakers understandably interpreted the -s in pease as the plural suffix rather than just a sound in the original Latin pisum/pisa and Greek πίσον, and the English singular pea was born.
For example, a 15th-century cookbook has the following recipe for what we would today call pea soup:
Take grene pesyn, an washe hem clene an caste hem on a potte, an boyle hem tyl þey breste, an þanne take hem vppe of þe potte, an put hem with brothe yn a-noþer potte, and lete hem kele; þan draw hem þorw a straynowre in-to a fayre potte, an þan take oynonys…
Pease also functioned as a mass noun, like bread or oatmeal.
Yisterday I ete cale and pes, & to-day I eete pes & cale, & to-morn I mon eate pess with cale, & after to-morn I mon eate cale with pease.
Alphabet of TalesUnfortunately, the latter quote is taken from a religious anecdote promoting a moderate and uniform diet, and not a hilariously sarcastic comment by a medieval peasant.
A disproportionate number of my tweets are exactly 140 characters. I don’t know whether that means I’m really good at Twitter or really bad. Sometimes it’s the result of a too-long idea being meticulously edited down to size; sometimes it’s purely chance. Either way, I find 140-character tweets oddly satisfying — and based on a large dataset of tweets, it looks like I’m not the only one.
The dataset paints a fascinating picture of the distribution of tweet lengths. Extremely short tweets are understandably very rare, but it doesn’t take long for the distribution to reach its first mode at 35 characters. The curve gradually and smoothly trails off to a local minimum around 116 characters, before positively spiking after 135. The average length is a bit more than 68 characters and the median a bit lower at 62.
The American copyright status of the song “Happy Birthday to You” has finally been resolved in the case Rupa Marya v. Warner Chappell Music. (Here in Canada, the song has been in the public domain since 1997.)
At the time of lawsuit, Warner was collecting royalties — around $2 million a year — for “Happy Birthday to You” despite the fact that the melody was in the American public domain. They claimed that the lyrics were still under copyright and that they owned the rights to them.
Although Warner had acquired some “Happy Birthday”-related rights, it wasn’t clear what those rights covered since the original transfer agreements had been lost. The judge ruled that the secondary sources did not support Warner’s claim on the lyrics specifically, assuming they were still under copyright at all. Settlement terms following the summary judgement definitively assigned the song to the American public domain.
As far as I can tell, the European copyright to both the “Happy Birthday” lyrics and melody would have been still valid, albeit with disputed ownership, until it expired in 2017.
Obviously, pianos do not sing.
Rupa Marya v. Warner Chappell Music
Judge George H King -
In collaboration with the SFU Library and my fellow grad students, I’ve written a LaTeX template from which graduate students at Simon Fraser University can start writing their thesis or dissertation.
The project offers a LaTeX class file called
that automatically sets your thesis according to the SFU Library’s style requirements. With its help, you can focus on writing up your research instead of fiddling with formatting.Get started now by downloading a copy from the SFU Library website!
Rubber duck problem solving describes the phenomenon where you realize the solution to a problem in the middle of explaining it to someone else. The name stems from apocryphal stories in which stumped engineers are advised to get help from inanimate objects, including a literal rubber duck.
The technique works because communication forces us to arrange our thoughts and prevents us from taking shortcuts that would leave our audience behind. As one developer explains:
When you force yourself to verbalize something, you take poorly formed mind-stuff and slot it into discretely packaged concepts (words) whose meanings are agreed upon by other humans. This alone adds an important layer of organization to your thinking by taking non-verbal soup and giving it shape.
I have a new paper published in Graphs and Combinatorics! It’s my favourite paper to come out of my research with Jing Huang at the University of Victoria — the third written chronologically, and the last to be published. The main result is that the structure of monopolar partitions in claw-free graphs can be fully understood by looking at small subgraphs and following their direct implications on vertex pairs.
[We] realized there were way too many parking lots in the real world and that our game was going to be really boring if it was proportional in terms of parking lots.
Stone Librande
SimCity designer -
One of the most recognizable features of Japanese architecture is the matted flooring. The individual mats, called tatami, are made from rice straw and have a standard size and rectangular shape. Tatami flooring has been widespread in Japan since the 17th and 18th centuries, but it took three hundred years before mathematicians got their hands on it.
According to the traditional rules for arranging tatami, grid patterns called bushūgishiki (不祝儀敷き) are used only for funerals.1 In all other situations, tatami mats are arranged in shūgishiki (祝儀敷き), where no four mats meet at the same point. In other words, the junctions between mats are allowed to form ┬, ┤, ┴, and ├ shapes but not ┼ shapes.
Two traditional tatami layouts. The layout on the left follows the no-four-corners rule of shūgishiki. The grid layout on the right is a bushūgishiki, a “layout for sad occasions”.
Shūgishiki tatami arrangements were first considered as combinatorial objects by Kotani in 2001 and gained some attention after Knuth including them in The Art of Computer Programming.
Once you lay down the first couple tatami, you’ll find there aren’t many ways to extend them to a shūgishiki. For example, two side-by-side tatami force the position of all of the surrounding mats until you hit a wall.
Two side-by-side tatami force the arrangement of an entire square.
This observation can be used to decompose rectangular shūgishiki into
- blocks forced by vertical tatami,
- blocks forced by horizontal tatami, and
- strips of vertical tiles,
and to derive their generating function
Four-and-a-half tatami rooms can also be found in Japanese homes and tea houses, so naturally mathematicians have also looked into tatami tilings with half-tatami. Alejandro Erickson’s PhD thesis reviews and extends the research into this area. Alejandro has also published a book of puzzles about tatami layouts.
In reality, grid layouts are also used for practical reasons in inns, temples, and other large gathering halls.
When the Ontario cities of Fort William and Port Arthur amalgamated in 1970, residents voted for a new name for their new city.
Candidate name Votes Thunder Bay 15,870 Lakehead 15,302 The Lakehead 8,377 The result deserves a place of honour in voting theory textbooks.
I have a new paper with Jing Huang in Graphs and Combinatorics! This was the culmination of my undergraduate research, and shows that a single strategy can be used to solve the monopolar partition problem in all graph classes for which the problem was previously known to be tractable, including line graphs and claw-free graphs.
This research was completed in the summer of 2010, my last undergraduate research term. I am grateful to NSERC for funding my work with a Undergraduate Student Research Award, and to my supervisor and coauthor Jing Huang.
Image Evolution is a very interesting Javascript tool based on Roger Johansson’s Evo-Lisa idea. It uses a genetic algorithm to represent images as a collection of overlapping polygons.
We start from [a set of random] polygons that are invisible. In each optimization step we randomly modify one parameter (like color components or polygon vertices) and check whether such new variant looks more like the original image. If it is, we keep it, and continue to mutate this one instead.
Just feed it an image and hit start, and a random collection of coloured polygons will gradually evolve into a cool abstract rendition of your picture.
Ever wonder why LaTeX doesn’t provide a way for printing the title and author once
has been issued? I did. So I asked a question on the TeX StackExchange and received an interesting answer. Turns out it’s an artifact of the times when memory was in extremely short supply.The main reason was “main-memory” back in those days. LaTeX was effectively eating up half of the available space just through macro definitions. So with complicated pages or with some picture environments etc you could hit the limit. So freeing up any bit was essential and you still see traces of this in the code.
Dark times!
Solutions to problems
are easy to find;
the problem’s a great
contribution.What is truly an art
is to wring from your mind
a problem to fit
a solution.Piet Hein, “Last Things First”